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Living Room Cleaning

Living Room Cleaning Services

  • Includes: Dusting, Straightening and Dusting Nick Knacks, Vacuuming, Dusting and Vacuuming Furniture
  • Master Cleaning Recommends: Weekly Cleaning
Spend Time with Your Family & Leave the Chores to Us

Your family room is a well-used space in your home. It’s where everyone
goes to relax after a long day, spend time with family and friends, or
watch a favorite TV show. Because life passes by so quickly, it’s
important to cherish every moment. Instead of spending time cleaning your
living room, you should be simply
living in it. Master Cleaning & Consulting Services® is here to ensure that happens.

Our trained and professional team members will:

  • Clean under furniture and in hard-to-reach areas
  • Dust fixtures, baseboards, and blinds
  • Use environmentally-friendly green products upon request
  • Implement advanced cleaning techniques

Our team always arrives on time and equipped with a detailed cleaning process,
so you can trust that we’ll never leave an inch of your living room
untouched. Our services are backed by our
worry-free guarantee, so you truly have nothing to lose—except for maybe some dirt and grime.

Keeping Up with the Housework

With all the activity that takes place in your living room, it requires
frequent cleaning. Floors can attract crumbs, dirt, and debris and need
to be swept, vacuumed, and mopped regularly. Dust accumulates on tabletops,
shelves, decorative accents, and even lampshades. The crevices of sofas,
loveseats, and chairs can be a hiding spot for crumbs. You might even
notice cobwebs in the corners if you can’t keep up with a regular cleaning routine.

Have pets? That means you most likely have pet hair on every surface and
in every corner of your home. Our thorough techniques target the areas
where pet hair may gather and eliminate not only the hair, but dander
and odor as well.